TM 55-4920-328-13
2-48. Installation of Power Absorption System.
Install the T74 power absorption system as shown
in figure 2-42, observing the following:
a. Assemble the packing (3) on the oil plug (4)
and insert the assembled parts into the shaft (5).
b. Attach the hooks of the sling assembly (1) to
the shackle assemblies on the water brake assembly
c. Install the torque element assembly (6) on the
water brake assembly (2) with the torque element cable
assembly in the 9 o'clock position. Secure the
installation using eight washers (7) and eight bolts (8).
Tighten and lockwire the bolts.
d. Use a suitable hoist to lift and position the
water brake assembly (2) on the end flange of the shaft
e. Install eight bolts (9), 16 washers (10), and
eight nuts (11) to secure the water brake assembly (2)
on the shaft (5). Tighten and lockwire the nuts.
f. Install the torque stub shafts (12) two places on
the torque element adapter (13), using eight washers
(14) and eight bolts (15).
g. Ensure that the slot in the adapter (13) is in the
9 o'clock position, then attach the parts assembled in
the preceding step to the aft face of the torque element
assembly (6), using 12 washers (16) and 12 bolts (17).
Tighten and lockwire the bolts.
h. With the slot in the torque stand plate (18) in
the 9 o'clock position, insert the retainer (19) through the
upper slot in the plate, align and position the retainer on
the upper torque stub shaft (12), and install the bolt (20).
i. Align and position the second retainer (19)
through the lower slot in the torque stand plate (18) on
the lower torque stub shaft (12) and install the second
bolt (20). Tighten and lockwire the upper and lower
j. Position the torque mount plate (21) on the
frame of the engine test dolly assembly (28) and install
six bolts (22), 12 washers (23), and six nuts (24).
Tighten the nuts securely.
k. Align the holes in the torque stand plate (18)
with the upper attaching holes in the torque mount plate
(21) and install eight bolts (25), 16 washers (26), and
eight nuts (27). Tighten the nuts securely.
I. Release the tension from the sling assembly
(1), then remove the sling assembly and hoist. 2-49.
Installation of T74 Engine Accessories. Install the T74
engine accessories as shown in figure 2-43, observing
the following:
When required, remove the engine
shipping covers, plugs, caps, and all
attaching parts to facilitate installation
of the engine accessories. Stow the
removed parts in a convenient place
for reinstallation after engine test.
1. Sling Assembly - LTCT 21963-01
2. Water Brake Assembly - LTCT20800-01
3. Packing - LTCT21991-01
4. Oil Plug - LTCT21446-01
5. Shaft - (Part of Engine)
6. Torque Element Assembly - LTCT10542-01
7. Washer - AN960C616
8. Bolt - MS9532-08
9. Bolt - MS9535-20
10. Washer - AN960-916L
11. Nut- MS9882-15
12. Torque Stub Shaft - LTCT20836-01
13. Torque Element Adapter - LTCT20835-01
14. Washer- MS35338-44
Bolt- MS9519-11
Washer - AN960C616
Bolt - MS9532-13
Torque Stand Plate - LTCT20838-01
Retainer- LTCT20837-01
Bolt - NAS1297-4H4
Torque Mount Plate - LTCT20839-01
Bolt - MS9525-12
Washer - AN960-1016
But - MS21044N10
Bolt - MS9523-19
Washer - AN960-816
Nut - MS21044N8
Engine Test Dolly Assembly - LTCT10469-02