TM 55-4920-328-13
(7) Assemble one cotter pin (108) on the
gas generator power linkage arm assembly (106), Install
one washer (109), then slide the rod end (103) on the
assembled parts. Install a second washer (109) and
cotter pin (108).
ak. Assemble the following parts (view K):
(1) Install the nut (110) on the rod (111) to
allow approximately 1/2 inch of exposed threads.
(2) Install the turnbuckle (112) on the rod
(111) to contact the nut (110).
(3) Install the nut (113) on the threaded end
of the turnbuckle (112). (Approximately 5/16 Inch of
threads will be exposed when the nut is installed. )
(4) Install the rod end (114) on the exposed
threads of the turnbuckle (112).
(5) Temporarily Install the clevis pin (115) In
the rod end (114), install the washer (116) on the
protruding end of the cells pin, then secure the
installation using the cotter pin (117). Bend one leg of
the cotter pin slightly to secure the Installation.
(6) Install the nut (118) on the opposite end
of the rod (111) to allow approximately 1/2 Inch of
exposed threads.
(7) Install the rod end (119) on the rod
(111) to contact the nut (118).
(8) Insert one of each of the cotter pins
(121, 124) In the Inboard holes In the short and long
bars of the linkage arm assembly (120) and bend the
legs of each cotter pin to secure the Installation.
(9) Install the washers (122, 125), one on
each of the short and long bars of the linkage arm
assembly (120).
(10) Slide the rod end (105) on the short bar
of the linkage arm assembly (120), install the second
washer (123) and cotter pin (121). Bend the legs of the
cotter pin to secure the Installation.
(11) Slide the rod end (119) on the long bar
of the linkage arm assembly (120), then Install the
second washer (128) and cotter pin (124). Bend the
legs of the cotter pin to secure the Installation.
al. Align the attaching holes and Install the
bellmouth assembly (127) on the engine inlet housing,
using two bolts (128), two washers (129), and two nuts
(130) as shown in view L. Install one
set of attaching parts at the 2 o'clock position, and
Install the other set at the 10 o'clock position. Tighten
the nuts sufficiently to facilitate Installation of additional
am. Install the three inlet housing thermocouples
(131) In the bellmouth assembly (127), using six
washers (132) and six screws (133). Lockwlre the
an. Install the inlet screen assembly (134), using
12 bolts (135), 12 washers (138), and 12' nuts (137).
so. Install one bracket assembly (138) on the
forward face of the flange of the bellmouth assembly
(127) at the 1 o'clock position, using two bolts (139), two
washers (140), and two nuts (141).
ao. Install a second bracket assembly (138) at the
3 o'clock position on the aft face of the engine Inlet
housing flange, using two bolts (139), two washers
(140), and two nuts (141).
aq. Install the slave unit bracket (142) above and
adjacent to the bracket Installed In the preceding step,
using four bolts (143), four washers (144), and four nuts
ar. Install the bleed band cable assembly (146) at
5 o'clock, using two bolts (148), two washers (149), and
two nuts (150). Insert the arm (147) between the clevls
and washer on the engine bleed band actuator.
as. Install the remaining bolts (128), washers
(129), and nuts (130).
at. Temporarily install the linkage arm assembly
(96) on the engine NIl control stud, using the washer
(151) and nut (152). (See view K. )
au. Temporarily install the linkage arm assembly
(120) on the engine fuel control stud, using the washer
(153) and nut (154).
av. Install the transmitter (155) on the slave unit
bracket (142), using three screws (158) and three nuts
aw. Temporarily install the gas generator power
linkage arm assembly (106) on the Input shaft of the
sufficiently to secure the installation.
ax. Install the transmitter positioning bracket
(158) on the mount stand assembly, using three bolts
(160), and three washers (159). (See view M. )