TM 55-4920-328-13
bo. Attach the vibration pickup (216) to the
bracket assembly mounted at the 1 o'clock position on
the inlet housing, using four washers (217) and four
screws (218) as shown in view S. Connect P4 CHAN 3
of cable assembly (215) to the electrical connector on
the vibration pickup.
bp. Attach the vibration pickup (219) to the
bracket on the inlet housing at the 3 o'clock position,
using four washers (220) and four screws (221) as
shown in view T. Connect P5 CHAN 4 of cable
assembly (215) to the electrical connector on the
vibration pickup.
bq. Attach the bracket assembly (222) to the
combustor housing at 3 O'clock, using two existing nuts
(223) as shown in view U. Install the insulator (224) and
vibration pickup (225), using four washers (226) and four
screws (227). Connect P6 CHAN 5 of cable assembly
(215) to the electrical connector on the vibration pickup.
br. Attach the bracket assembly (228) to the
diffuser housing flange at the 3 o'clock position, using
two existing nuts (229), as shown in view V. Mount the
insulator (230) and vibration pickup (231) on the bracket
assembly, using four washers (232) and four screws
(233). Connect P8 CHAN 7 connector of cable
assembly (215) to the electrical connector on the
vibration pickup.
bs. Install the vibration pickup (234) on the
forward top mounting pad on the water brake assembly
(193), using four washers (235) and four screws (236) as
shown in view W. Connect P2 CHAN 1 of cable
assembly (215) to the connector on the vibration pickup.
bt. Connect P1 of cable assembly (237) to
connector J8 on the data acquisition assembly (17) as
shown in view X.
bu. Connect the branches of cable assembly
(237) as follows:
(1) Connect plug NO. 2 to jack NO. 2 on
the thermocouple installed in the water brake water
return temperature sensing port.
(2) Connect plug NO. 3 to jack NO. 3 on
the thermocouple installed in the water brake forward
bearing temperature sensing port.
(3) Connect plug NO. 4 to jack NO. 4 on
the thermocouple installed in the water brake aft bearing
temperature sensing port.
(4) Temporarily tape plug NO. 1 to the wire
bundle to prevent damage until connection is made
during a subsequent action.
bv. Remove the shipping cover and heat shield
from the Nil tachometer generator mounting pad at the 2
o'clock position on the engine exhaust case.
bw. Install the heatshield, overspeed switch
(237A), gasket (238), and Nil tachometer generator
(239) on the mounting pad, using four washers (240)
and four nuts (241). (See view Y. )
bx. Connect P1 of cable assembly (242) to
connector J7 on the data acquisition assembly (17).
(See view X. ) Connect P2 to the electrical connector
on the Nil tachometer generator (239) and connect P5 to
the electrical connector on engine overspeed switch
(See view Y). Connect P3 to the NI tachometer
generator (243), and connect P4 to the electrical
connector on the engine flight harness at the 8 o'clock
position near the inlet housing. (See view Z. )
by. Connect the electrical connector on the
torque element cable assembly (244) to connector J12
on the data acquisition assembly (17) (view AA).
bz. Connect P1 of cable assembly (245) to
connector J15 on the data acquisition assembly (17).
Connect P2 to the electrical connector on the transmitter
ca. Connect P1 of cable assembly (246) to
connector J16 on the data acquisition assembly then
make the following connections:
(1) Connect plug NO. 5 to jack NO. 5 on
the inlet housing thermocouple (131) located at the 7
o'clock position in the bellmouth assembly (127).
(2) Connect plug NO. 6 to jack NO. 6 on
the inlet housing thermocouple (131) located at the 11
o'clock position in the bellmouth assembly (127).
(3) Connect plug NO. 7 to jack NO. 7 on
the inlet housing thermocouple (131) located at the 3
o'clock position in the bellmouth assembly (127).
(4) Connect plug NO. 13 to jack NO. 13 on
the thermocouple probe (39) located at the 8 o'clock
position aft of the inlet housing.
cb. Connect P1 of cable assembly (247) to
connector J17 on the data acquisition assembly (17) as
shown in view X. Connect P2 to the electrical connector
on the torque limit rotary actuator (162).
cc. Connect P1 of cable assembly (248) to
connector J18 on the data acquisition assembly