TM 55-2840-231-23
1-30. Eng ine - Installation Into Reusable Metal Shipping and Storage Container - Continued
SHIPPING OR STORAGE Engine Assembly Lift, Tool No. 6796963
g. Release engine weight
CONTAINER/ - Continued
from the hoist and
remove engine assembly
lift from engine.
h. Tighten four nuts (7)
at engine side mounts
to 40-50 in. lb (0.5-
0.6 kg/m).
i. Tie the cloth bag, used
to store engine mount-
ing bolts (10) and
washers (11), to desic-
cant basket (25) for
future use.
Desiccant (item 8, Appendix D)
j. Place two bags of desic-
cant into desiccant
basket (25).
k. Install gasket (3) on
container base assem-
bly (24).
1. Lower cover assembly
(2) into place over
engine. Engage the
forward end of cover
with guide pin in closure
flange of base assem-
bly (24); then lower
the aft end. Insure that
gasket (3) is properly
m. I nsta II thirty-two bolts
(37) and nuts (1) in
closure flange. Bolts
(37) shall be inserted
from bottom side of
closure flange. Tighten
nuts (1) finger tight.
n. Tighten one nut (1)
on each side of con-
tainer at center and at
each of four corners to
approximately 75 in.
lb (0.9 kg/m).