TM 55-4920-328-13
Connect P14 to connector J14 (48 on data
acquisition assembly (1).
Connect P15 to connector J15 (49 on data
acquisition assembly (1).
Connection of Engine Hoses an' Cables to
Test Trailer.
Place drain measurement adapter (1 figure 2-60)
under trailer (2), and insert drain lines D1 D3, D4, D5,
and D6 into container.
Connect water brake supply hose 17A8588C01 (7)
and return hose 17A8588G02 (8) as follows:
Connect supply hose (7) to water brake supply
connection (10) on test trailer.
Connect other end of hose (7) to upper connector
on water brake.
Return hose (8) to water brake return connection
(9) on test trailer.
Connect other end of hose (8) to lower connector
on water brake.
Attach test stand PAS and LDS actuators as
Install LOS actuator to bracket (36, figure 2-59).
Thread three bolts (37) into LOS actuator. Torque
bolts to 45-50 inch-pounds.
Install PAS actuator to bracket (36).
Thread three bolts (37) and washers (38) into PAS
actuator. Torque bolts to 45-50 inch-pounds.
Connect LDS rod end to center hole of its bracket
and connect PAS rod end to center hole of its bracket.
Install bolts (39) (boltheads outboard). Thread
nuts (40) onto bolts. Torque bolts to 55-70 inch-pounds.
Be sure check valve in water brake air line
has been installed properly (arrow pointing
to water brake); otherwise, water will pump
into test trailer module.
Install water brake air hose 17A8616G01 to air
connection (11, figure 2-60) on test trailer and make
sure air supply is 40 psig.
17A8615G01 connector P9 to connector J9 (50, figure
2-59) on data acquisition assembly (1).
Connect lube water filter system 17A8617G01 for
water brake bearing as follows:
Connect bearing lube water hose (see figure 2-59)
to lube water supply connection (12, figure 2-60).
Connect harness 17A8618G01 connector P7 to J7
(51, figure 2-59) on data acquisition assembly (1) for
water brake alarm.
Connect vibration meter harness 17A8576G01
electrical connectors as follows:
Pull multichannel vibration meter panel 2A3 (21,
figure 1-23) out of control cab assembly.
Disconnect harness connectors P1, P3, and P7
from vibration meters in 2A3. Place protective caps on
Change 2 2-246